
I help hone product ideas into strategic key messages that will make product or service benefits stand out.

Launch Collateral

I craft the language that helps drive customers toward unique product and service offerings.

Technical Editorial

I understand the technology behind the message, so I can create interesting articles that your technical audiences will enjoy reading.


When you need to speak visually, I can create the concept and give your message a voice.

Sales/Training Presentations

I can design your story—no matter how simple or complex—into a compelling slide presentation with rich visuals.


Let your engineers engineer, while I help them bring out the uniqueness of their innovation in ghost-written longer works.


years of experience




I've written for a range of companies, from startups on a shoestring budget to multi-national organizations that are leaders in their industries. I've created content for an opal mine, carpet cleaning service, and some of the largest technical companies in the world. My work has helped drive innovative new product campaigns to success; it has appeared on corporate web sites, delivered to audiences around the world, and published in national periodicals.

I work both with agencies and direct with company management. I enjoy large campaigns that require a breadth of communications—messaging to video, social media and collateral—and small projects that need focused expertise on a particular type of deliverable. I write for print, web, film/video, and presentation.

My experience ranges from staff writer at technical companies to agency owner to freelance and consulting. I understand the technology and the business purposes for which the messages exist.

I am passionate about technology. With every new launch or project, I get excited about what innovative people are doing with it. I carry that passion into my writing and your offering.

See samples of my work at https://muckrack.com/ken-strandberg.

Selected Projects

Here is just a small sample of the type of work I've done over the years. Please request samples for other types of work, including collateral, video/animations, and configurators.

Working with an agency, I created the content
for this embedded technologies company.
Working with engineers and scientists, I created
this article, which was tweeted to
hundreds of thousands of Princeton followers.
For several years, I generated collateral,
including video animations for
this multi-national company.
I created this white paper on breakthrough
technology from Philips Medical.

Contact Me for More Information/Samples

If you think there's a fit between what you're doing and what I've done, let me know what you're working on, and I'll send you some samples of similar work. Thanks for contacting me.

If you think there's a fit between what you're doing and what I've done, let me know what you're working on, and I'll send you some samples of similar work. Thanks for contacting me.